100 days of the 117th Congress!
Dear Neighbor,
This week we hit 100 days in the 117th Congress. So far, we have delivered on COVID-19 relief, supported our Dreamers, strengthened LBGTQ+ rights, advanced gun safety legislation, and so much more in just a few months.
I have some more updates for you, so please scroll down to read!
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Bills Passed This Week
H.R. 7 – Paycheck Fairness Act
We must take a stand against pay inequity and discrimination. I was proud to vote in support of the Paycheck Fairness Act – a long overdue bill to finally fulfill the promise of equal pay for women everywhere.
Letters Sent & Bills I Introduced Recently
Letter Urging President Biden to Support Elimination of the SALT Deduction Cap
During the last year in which the SALT deduction was uncapped, more than 3 million families in California with an adjusted gross income below $100,000 claimed the deduction. The deduction put thousands of dollars back into the pockets of these lower- and middle-income families so that they could afford basic expenses and grow their savings. For many, these savings were critical to buying a home or putting their children through college.
Restoring the full SALT deduction is critical to supporting the middle class, and I was proud to lead a letter signed by 40 of my California colleagues on this issue.
Read my full letter to President Biden on this issue.
Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act
This week, I introduced my bipartisan Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act to support agricultural fairs, like the San Diego County Fair at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, and offset the devastating financial losses they have experienced due to COVID-19.
Veterans’ Education, Transition, and Opportunity Prioritization Plan (VET OPP) Act
I also reintroduced the Veterans’ Education, Transition, and Opportunity Prioritization Plan (VET OPP) Act with a bipartisan, bicameral group of colleagues. The VET OPP Act would create an Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to prioritize transition, education, and employment programs.
In my latest podcast episode, I host a virtual town hall with Dr. Andrea LaCroix, distinguished Professor and Chief of Epidemiology in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UC San Diego, to answer constituents’ questions about COVID-19 and the relief available under the American Rescue Plan.
You can listen to the episode here.
We are so close to the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, but until then, please continue following guidance from health care professionals and go get the vaccine when you can!
Remember to follow my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages for the latest updates from my office.
Have a great weekend!
Rep. Mike Levin