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Dear Neighbor,
This week in Washington we passed major legislation to support women, make strides in equal rights, and create an earned pathway to citizenship for Dreamers who came to America as young children, like my mother’s parents did.
I have a few more updates for you, so scroll down to read more!
Bills Passed This Week
H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act
I proudly voted yes to support our Dreamers. This bill establishes a path to lawful permanent resident status for Dreamers (individuals who came to the United states when they were young) and for certain individuals who were eligible for or held Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure.
H.R. 1603 – Farm Workforce Modernization Act
I also voted yes to pass the Farm Workforce Modernization Act. This bill reforms the agricultural labor sector to ensure that America’s farms can meet their future labor needs. This bill also provides lawful status to certain undocumented agricultural workers and their families.
H.J.Res. 17 – Removed deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
I voted YES on HJ Res 17, a bipartisan resolution to eliminate the time limit for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, because there should never be an expiration date on equality. Now it’s time to fully ratify the ERA.
H.R. 1620 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act
I was proud to vote yes on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. VAWA supports women in every state, tribe, and territory in America by improving services for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and more.
H.R. 1085 – Congressional Gold Medals to the United States Capitol Police who protected the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021
The Capitol officers who responded and helped keep us safe during the insurrection on our U.S. Capitol are heroes. I'm proud to honor and recognize them with the Congressional Gold Medal.
Bills I Introduced Recently
Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act
Last week, I reintroduced my bipartisan Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act. The bill provides parity in GI Bill benefits for members of the National Guard and Reserve who increasingly conduct similar training and missions as other servicemembers, but do not receive equal benefits.
Saving Us from Pandemic Era Resistance by Building a Unified Global Strategy (SUPER BUGS) Act
COVID-19 has shown us how imperative it is that we take immediate action in order to prevent another global pandemic. I was pleased to introduce my bipartisan SUPER BUGS Act, a bill to coordinate pandemic drug research.

You can RSVP to join the webinar here.
In my latest podcast episode, I hosted a town hall conversation on the American Rescue Plan and small business relief with Danny Fitzgerald of the San Diego & Imperial Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network.
You can listen to the episode here.
As the district begins to move into less restrictive tiers, please keep in mind that the coronavirus is still here in our communities. Please continue following guidance from health care professionals, wash your hands, social distance, avoid large gatherings, and mask up!
Remember to follow my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages for the latest updates from my office.
Have a great weekend!
Rep. Mike Levin