July 18, 2024

THE LEVIN LETTER: Political Violence Has No Place in Our Great Nation

The horrific attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump underscores what many of us have been saying for quite some time: we need to tone down the rhetoric, diminish political divisions, and determine a path forward with civility and respect.

We are in perilous times. Our nation’s political discourse has grown increasingly violent; many Americans do not feel comfortable or safe sharing their views, and political affiliation can mark you as an enemy.

It is dangerous, unsustainable, and deeply un-American. It should not be this way. We must come together and do better.

Our country was founded on the premise that we are a haven for different opinions, religions, and backgrounds. We thrive despite our differences. When we disagree, we do it respectfully. 

That out of many, we are one. E pluribus unum.

Unfortunately, if we don’t change course now, we will lose what truly makes us the greatest nation in the world.

But all hope is not lost.

While we all recognize that our political system is broken, I know firsthand that we can still work together to accomplish great things. In Congress, despite the infighting we see on TV and read in the headlines, Representatives in Congress do work across the aisle to get things done.

I have been able to work with my Republican colleagues to pass dozens of laws to expand veterans’ benefits, lower costs, and improve the quality of life for residents of our district.

In the past few years, Congress has passed landmark bipartisan laws by banding together to make progress on the challenges facing Americans.

As Democrats and Republicans, we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade our nation’s roads, bridges, and airports. We expanded health care benefits for veterans exposed to toxic substances and burn pits during their service. And we passed a government funding package that delivered millions of dollars to on-the-ground community projects to tackle our individual districts’ needs.

How we decide to move forward will shine a light on how we want to be viewed as Americans. I hope that we will proceed with dignity, respect and civility.

Our political opponents are not our enemies. They are our family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We can all do a better job of listening to one another. We are all blessed to be Americans.

In times of hardship and tragedy, Americans have always been there for each other. I hope that in this moment, all Americans can renew their extraordinary capacity to be kind to one another.

Simply put, I believe we must choose community over chaos.

Let’s come together and peacefully listen to each other’s concerns, stifle the discord and focus on solving problems.

Let’s strive to preserve our fragile freedoms – not eliminate them.

There are leaders in both political parties who have Americans’ best interests at heart. While our policies may differ, our goal is the same: to have a prosperous country where all Americans can thrive and live safely with dignity.

Let’s continue to have difficult discussions about who we want to be and how we overcome our challenges. As we do, let’s all agree that political violence has no place in our great nation.

We must agree to treat each other with the same kind of respect as we would want to be treated.

It won’t be easy, and it may not happen quickly. But we can do this. Together.

U.S.Representative Mike Levin represents the 49th Congressional District, which includes the South Orange County cities of Dana Point, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano.  He was reelected in 2020 and 2022 and resides in San Juan Capistrano with his wife and two children.

By:  Rep. Mike Levin
Source: San Clemente Times