June 29, 2023

Rep. Mike Levin Reintroduces Legislation to Ensure Kids Don’t Go Hungry When School is Out

Washington, D.C. – This week, to mark the start of summer, U.S. Representatives Mike Levin (CA-49) and Jahana Hayes (CT-05) re-introduced the Stop Child Hunger Act of 2023 to provide families who have children eligible for free and reduced-price school meals with an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card when school is not in session. The EBT card could be used during summer or winter break, or when schools are operating remotely or is closed for a natural disaster. Text of the legislation is available here.

“The COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how many children have difficulty accessing the nutrition they need to grow and thrive when they aren’t being fed at school,” said Rep. Levin. “In December 2022, Congress established the permanent Summer EBT program to continue school meal funding for families in need throughout summer vacation. The Stop Child Hunger Act of 2023 goes even further to ensure that parents have the benefits they need to put food on the table for their children, not only during summer break, but during all holiday vacations and school closures when school meals aren’t available. This legislation strengthens existing programs that have proven effective in ensuring every child has the nutrition they need to grow and thrive year-round. We need to step up to meet that demand and ensure that kids aren’t going hungry.”

“The Stop Child Hunger Act removes barriers for kids to access nutritious meals at school year-round even when school is not in session. This legislation is critical to ending child hunger in our nation – including for the over 115,000 children in food-insecure households in Connecticut,” said Rep. Jahana Hayes (CT-05). “The Summer EBT program was expanded in the 2023 federal budget, but it is imperative we go even further and provide funding for children to eat during all holidays and school breaks. As a teacher, I know that we cannot continue to rely on the goodwill of educators, neighbors, and communities to fill the gaps and feed hungry children. This legislation helps to address this national crisis.”

Approximately 29.6 million students are eligible to receive free or reduced-price school meals each day during the school year. School nutrition programs provide critical nourishment to students to support healthy living and improve cognitive function throughout the school day. A lapse in these benefits during vacations and school closures can have a drastic impact on low-income families. Rep. Levin led the effort to establish a permanent Summer EBT program that passed in the Fiscal Year 2023 omnibus government funding package in December 2022

The Stop Child Hunger Act builds on the permanent Summer EBT program to establish a permanent nutrition program for children from low-income families for all school closures. Specifically, it would:

  • Expand the new permanent Summer EBT program to all school closures longer than five consecutive days.
  • Increase the value of the benefit to cover the cost of breakfast, lunch, and a snack for every day school is closed. The FY23 omnibus government funding package only authorized funding for $40 a month per child.
  • Allow eligible households to use EBT cards for the purchase of food from retail food stores that have been approved for participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
  • Provide grants to states to support the development of data systems or upgrades to existing data systems to carry out this program more effectively.

The Stop Child Hunger Act is endorsed by: Alliance to End Hunger, California Association of Food Banks, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), GRACE/End Child Poverty California, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, National Education Association, San Diego Hunger Coalition, and Share Our Strength.

“Summer months are the hungriest time for children, that’s why we’re so grateful to Representative Levin for boldly leading the charge and championing the Stop Child Hunger Act,” said Becky Silva, Director of Government Relations for the California Association of Food Banks. "This bill not only ensures food aid will be provided during the summer but also during other breaks and unanticipated disasters. Let's make sure no California kid should ever go to bed hungry.”

"Millions of children lose access to free and reduced-price school meals when schools close during the school year,” said Luis Guardia, President of the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). "The Stop Child Hunger Act would build upon the Summer EBT program that was created in the omnibus bill by providing much-needed grocery benefits to families who rely on school meals to keep hunger at bay when schools close for five days or more, increasing the benefit level, and fully covering states administrative costs. FRAC strongly endorses this legislation and urges Congress to move quickly to pass this bill. Hungry children can't wait.”  

"No child should go hungry in our great nation - period. Yet we know when school campuses are closed are the hungriest times for our kids. We are thrilled that Rep. Levin is continuing his leadership to build on the historic nationwide Summer EBT program achieved last year to deliver a more adequate benefit, streamline program access, and ensure this program is available not just during the summer but also unanticipated disasters when our children need food the most,” said Shimica Gaskins, President & CEO, GRACE/End Child Poverty California.

“We are proud to support the Stop Child Hunger Act, which will help close the bureaucratic gaps that allow far too many school-aged children to struggle with hunger and food insecurity,” said Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO of MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. “Shamefully, more than 12 percent of America’s children don’t have enough to eat.  We are also keenly aware that the current gaps are disproportionately affecting the children of those whose food insecurity is too often overlooked, including single mothers, currently serving military families, families of veterans, and those in Indian Country. Fortunately, we have the resources in America to act; we are grateful for Congressman Levin’s leadership, which shows that when our leaders invest in the basic needs of our children, we can prevent costly, long-term chronic health conditions and give our children the opportunities they deserve to thrive.”

“Educators are focused on ensuring all students feel safe and supported in their schools, including ensuring they have everything they need to stay focused on learning. The National Education Association is pleased to support the Stop Child Hunger Act. This legislation builds upon the proven success of programs that help fill the gaps for students when school is not in session, or when high-quality enrichment programs are not available. Students need this support now more than ever. Since the universal school meals waivers and SNAP emergency allotments ended, educators across the country have witnessed an alarming rise in students going hungry. No child should have to learn on an empty belly. Food insecurity can be found in every community — urban, suburban, and rural — and this crisis is particularly exacerbated in our Black, brown and Indigenous communities,” said Marc Egan, Director of Government Relations, National Education Association.

"San Diego Hunger Coalition commends Congressman Levin for reintroducing the Stop Child Hunger Act, which directly responds to long-standing priorities for child nutrition advocates:  expanding Summer-EBT to cover all school breaks and closures, not just summer, ensuring consistent access to nutritious meals; increasing the summer benefit amount to better reflect the true price of food, especially in high-cost of living areas such as San Diego. These crucial updates demonstrate Congressman Levin's unwavering commitment to defeating child hunger. We applaud his leadership in championing this legislation, which will provide much-needed support for children and their families when school meals are not available,” said Anahid Braake, President & CEO, San Diego Hunger Coalition.
