February 04, 2020

Rep. Mike Levin Responds to President Trump’s State of the Union Address

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Levin (D-CA) issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight. Rep. Levin hosted Dr. Pat Davis as his guest for the address. Dr. Davis lost his wife, one of his daughters, and his sister-in-law from the bluff collapse at Grandview Beach last year and has partnered with Rep. Levin in pushing for federal action to secure coastal bluffs.

“The President’s address fell short on many pressing issues, particularly his disingenuous rhetoric on protections for pre-existing conditions, which he is working to destroy in court. He was also out of touch on the economy, as working families are still struggling to afford their prescriptions, mortgages, and student loans. The President should recognize that the GOP tax bill has not delivered the prosperity that was promised for the middle class, and he must work with Congress to address America’s slowing growth and soaring debt.

“It is also disappointing that the President failed to acknowledge the destructive impact that climate change is having on our country, including coastal erosion that threatens people and property in coastal communities I represent. I was also hoping for a greater emphasis on America’s veterans and the bipartisan work we must continue to do so that no one who has served our country goes homeless or hungry. While the President continues to attack California, I’ll continue to work across the aisle to get results on these issues for North County San Diego and South Orange County.”
