November 02, 2023

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement on Israeli Aid Package Vote

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) release the following statement regarding his vote against the supplemental funding bill for Israel.

“Speaker Johnson’s decision to condition bipartisan aid to our ally Israel by attaching it to a partisan policy agenda is nothing more than a political stunt at the expense of innocent civilian lives.

“Johnson appears less interested in helping our ally and advancing U.S. global interests than scoring cheap political points. Anyone who supports the aid to Israel requested by the President should recognize this and call it out publicly.

“I support aiding Israel as it seeks to rescue its civilians kidnapped by Hamas and to end the threat of future attacks that terrorism poses to the Israeli people. It sets an awful precedent to condition critical aid in a time of war to advance an unrelated political agenda. This is even worse when that agenda is protecting wealthy tax cheats while increasing the deficit.

“That is why I voted against today’s legislation. The precedent set by Johnson’s conditions make it harder to help Israel, and other allies like Ukraine and Taiwan, in this and future times of need.

“I urge the Senate to take up the President’s supplemental funding request — including humanitarian aid — and send it back to the House so that we can show bipartisan unity in the face of threats to democracy and peace worldwide. I look forward to voting for aid to Israel, without partisan conditions, at that time.”
