December 14, 2023

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement on the Return of Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis to the United States

Washington, D.C.- Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) today released the following statement upon the return of U.S. Navy Lt. Ridge Alkonis back to the United States.

“This is the best news of the holiday season. I’ve had the opportunity to work on Lt. Ridge Alkonis’ behalf for nearly two and a half years, and through those efforts met his wonderful wife Brittany, his kids, and his parents.

“They and Ridge are beyond deserving of this long overdue day.

“Today would not be possible without the efforts of so many across the Congress, the Biden-Harris Administration, and the world. Now that we are over the largest hurdle and Ridge is on his way back to the U.S., we must take the last steps necessary to ensure his release and bring him home.”
