May 16, 2024

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement on Vote Against H.R. 8360

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) released the following statement regarding his vote against H.R. 8360, a Republican bill that includes provisions defunding the National Security Council.

“I voted against this unserious legislation because House Republicans, once again, are playing politics with our national security. Rather than putting forward a consensus bill to aid Israel in its war against Hamas, Republicans have opted to push legislation freezing the budgets at the Pentagon, State Department, and the National Security Council, which would harm the safety and security of all Americans. We must continue to support our allies overseas and bolster humanitarian aid, but we should not undermine our own security in the process.

“Instead of bringing bills to the House floor bills meant to divide the Congress, I urge Speaker Johnson to work to find bipartisan, commonsense policies to support our allies and achieve sustainable solutions to this conflict.”
