September 25, 2024

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement Supporting Government Funding Extension

Bill Prevents Government Shutdown & Avoids Extremist Republican Proposals that Hurt Our Nation’s Veterans & Families

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) today released the following statement regarding his vote in support of the short-term government funding bill to extend current funding levels through December 20, 2024.

“I voted for the short-term government funding bill because a shutdown would have been harmful to our service members, families, and workers. I’m pleased this bill does not contain the extremist provisions proposed by House Republicans that threaten our democratic voting rights and national security. It represents a bipartisan solution that will keep the government running into December.

“That said, I’m disappointed we could not reach an agreement that addresses the Veterans Health Administration’s $12 billion budget shortfall. This lack of funding could jeopardize veterans’ medical care and health services. I will continue to advocate for veterans and their benefits in upcoming funding bills that will be negotiated at the end of the year.

“However, the ongoing budget fights that require us to pass short-term funding bills are emblematic of the ongoing dysfunction and chaos within the House Republican conference. They have been unable to pass a year-long government funding legislation that puts us on a stable fiscal footing.

“Ultimately, we need to work together to pass year-long government funding every fiscal year in a timely manner to tackle our nation’s challenges. I am committed to doing just that.”
