February 08, 2023

Statement from Reps. Levin & Peters on California's Proposed Colorado River Plan

Washington D.C.- Today, Reps. Mike Levin (CA-49) and Scott Peters (CA-50) released the following statement concerning California’s proposed plan submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation on the ongoing drought conditions in the Colorado River basin and proposed water cuts:

“The West is facing the worst drought conditions in more than 40 years, and we know that these conditions are the new normal as we confront the accelerating impacts of climate change. Given this reality, we recognize that all seven state partners along the Colorado River must collaborate to reduce water use and secure the long-term sustainability of the river. 

“As the region works to develop a plan, all states will have to agree to significant cuts. However, given California’s senior water rights and decades-long track record of investments to increase water efficiency and conservation, we are skeptical of any proposal that would require California to make water cuts far greater than the other basin states. California’s submission to the Bureau of Reclamation targets the same level of water cuts across the Colorado River as the plan released by the six other basin states. All seven states and the Bureau of Reclamation must work together to develop a plan that will equitably reduce water use across the entire basin while ensuring the long-term viability of the Colorado Basin.” 
