May 10, 2022

An Update on My Work for You

Dear Neighbor,

It has been a busy few weeks, so here's an update on my work for you.

First, a comment on the draft Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v. Wade. If finalized, this callous and extreme decision will threaten the lives of women everywhere. As we saw before Roe, women will continue to make their own decisions about their bodies, but many will be forced to do so without safe access to the health care services that they need and deserve.

It is important to reaffirm that Roe is still the law of the land, and women should continue to access health care services as planned. Right now, we must all come together and fight for reproductive rights, because we know what America was like before Roe, and we cannot go backwards. I will continue to fight every day in Congress to protect those rights.

Investing In Our Local Law Enforcement

I recently joined local law enforcement officers to discuss how the Invest to Protect Act would help smaller police departments like the Carlsbad Police Department get the resources they need to keep us safe and improve policing.


WATCH HERE: Rep. Mike Levin joins local law enforcement officers to discuss the need for more federal investments in local police departments

Supporting Our Veterans

I recently had the honor of hosting Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough in our district! During his visit, we met local veterans, discussed veteran homelessness and health, shared updates on the newly renamed Jennifer Moreno VA Medical Center, and paid tribute to our brave fallen servicemembers at the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. It was here where we visited the final resting place of Army Captain Jennifer Moreno and Air Force Brigadier General Bob Cardenas.



Addressing Our Spent Nuclear Fuel

Our community knows all too well how important it is to get the waste off our beach as quickly and safely as possible.

I recently welcomed U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to discuss my work to address our nation’s nuclear waste challenges and announce that the Department of Energy is taking important steps to advance potential storage locations for our spent nuclear fuel.

We have much more work to do, but we’re making progress!


WATCH HERE: Rep. Mike Levin and Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Announce New Federal Actions to Address Spent Nuclear Fuel

April Constituent of the Month

I'm honored to recognize Ryan Hickman, a local 12-year-old resident of San Juan Capistrano, as my April Constituent of the Month!

Ryan has done amazing work to recycle over 1.5 million cans and bottles, prevent plastic from entering our oceans, and protect the unique beauty of our community.


If you would like to nominate someone in our community to be my May Constituent of the Month, please fill out this form, here.

Visit to Misadventures & Company

During my recent visit to Misadventures & Company, I heard from founder Samuel Chereskin and co-founder Whit Rigali about how they use old produce and baked goods to make their product and stay carbon neutral, helping them become Vista’s 2022 New Business of the Year!


Investing in Our Local VA Facilities

Last week, I took the trolley to the newly renamed Jennifer Moreno VA Medical Center where I spoke with San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, San Diego County Supervisor Chair Nathan Fletcher, and VA San Diego Healthcare System Director Dr. Robert Smith about recent federal investments in our local VA facilities.


WATCH HERE: Rep. Mike Levin, Mayor Todd Gloria, and Supervisor Chair Nathan Fletcher discuss recent federal investments in local VA facilities at the newly renamed Jennifer Moreno VA Medical Center.

Earlier this year I helped secure $10 million for major construction of Spinal Cord Injury and Seismic Building 11 at the Jennifer Moreno VA Medical Center. That legislation also included $2.2 billion to help house and support homeless veterans.

Honor Flight Flies 250,000th Veteran to D.C.

I want to offer a huge congratulations to Honor Flight Network for flying a total of 250,000 veterans to D.C. - what an incredible milestone! I am grateful for all of their hard work to help veterans to see all that our nation's capital has to offer! As Vice Chair of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, I will continue to fight for our nation's veterans.

Honor Flight San Diego just finished taking 1,500 WWII and Korean War Veterans to D.C. and are planning the first all Vietnam Veteran flight for later this year. You can read more here.

As always, it's an honor to represent you in Congress. Remember to follow my FacebookTwitter, or Instagram pages, and sign up for my e-newsletter for the latest updates from my office.



Rep. Mike Levin