January 14, 2022

My bill supporting National Guard and Reserve members passes the House!

Dear Neighbor,

I want to share a quick update with you on some of my work this week in Washington. I am thrilled to announce that on Wednesday, the House passed my Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act with broad bipartisan support to bring fairness to the way GI Bill benefits are earned for National Guard and Reserve members. We also sent vital voting rights legislation to the Senate for consideration. Scroll down for more!

Weekly Recap!


My Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act PASSED


National Guard and Reserve members are increasingly serving on the front lines of our nation’s greatest challenges, responding to climate disasters, the pandemic, and the attack on our nation’s Capitol Building, but they often don’t receive credit toward GI Bill benefits for that work.
It’s unacceptable that we have asked Guard and Reserve members to respond to these crises without providing them with the same GI Bill benefits as the active duty servicemembers who they often serve with. It’s time for us to step up and give them the benefits they have earned for protecting the American people, because every day in uniform counts. My Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act will do just that.

My legislation passed with a vote of 287-135, with 68 Republicans joining all Democrats in support. Our next step is the Senate, and I am very hopeful we will get this legislation to President Biden’s desk for signature.

A Few More Updates:

  • On Thursday, the House passed the Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act, a bill to safeguard voting rights and our democracy. Now the Senate must step up to protect this sacred American right. You can learn more about this legislation here.
  • I recently spoke with the Vista Chamber of Commerce Velocity Podcast about my veterans' work and other priorities for the district. Take a listen here

Remember to follow my FacebookTwitter, or Instagram pages for the latest updates from my office.

Have a great weekend!



Rep. Mike Levin