New bills and funding for CA-49
Dear Neighbor,
It has been a busy week in Washington we have made great progress on key legislation to serve you, including a bill to provide $21 million for projects in CA-49. Keep reading for an overview on my newest bills, along with a few other highlights and a shout-out to our local Olympians!
Legislative Updates
This week, I introduced three key pieces of legislation to help our veterans and increase our independent drinking water supply. Here's a look at each bill:
- Mark O’Brien VA Clothing Allowance Improvement Act: On Wednesday, I introduced a bipartisan bill to help veterans replace clothing that is routinely damaged by prosthetics, orthopedic devices, or skin medicines that they need as a result of active-duty injuries. This bill cuts through red tape at the Department of Veterans Affairs to make it easier for veterans to receive the clothing allowances they deserve.
- Veteran Home Energy Savings Act: Also on Wednesday, I introduced legislation to strengthen veterans’ ability to purchase homes by factoring their energy efficiency savings into the lending process. This bill is a win-win, saving veterans money and benefitting the environment by conserving energy.
- Desalination Development Act: On Tuesday, I reintroduced legislation to raise the funding authorization for the Bureau of Reclamation’s desalination grant program. This bill would invest in responsible, environmentally-friendly
desalination projects. This will enhance emergency preparedness and increase the flow of clean, locally-sourced water to our communities. I’m hopeful this policy will advance as part of infrastructure legislation this year.
House Passes Appropriations Legislation with Millions in Local Funding
I’m proud to report that the House of Representatives passed government appropriations legislation that includes millions in funding for projects to address several of the most pressing issues facing North County San Diego and South Orange County.
Here's a quick look at the numbers for local transportation projects:
- San Clemente Shoreline Project ($9.3 million)
- Oceanside Special Shoreline Study ($750,000)
- Literacy Through Art and ArtQuest ($150,000)
- Carlsbad Barrio Street Lighting and Traffic Circles Project ($5 million)
- Doheny Village Connectivity Improvements ($1.87 million)
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Bus Transition ($1.7 million)
Oceanside Homeless Shelter Development ($2.25 million)
Climate Action Press Conference
This week I joined Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, several of my House colleagues and an inspiring group of environmental advocates at a press conference calling for climate action.
I made it clear that if we don't invest in climate action now, we will pay for the consequences later.
We are already feeling the effects of climate change in our district every day. Rising sea levels and increasing storm surge are causing our coastal bluffs to erode more than ever. We need comprehensive action now.
We have a responsibility to invest now on behalf of future generations, and I will continue to advocate for climate action.
San Onfore Town Hall Recap