Update on my week in Washington
Dear Neighbor,
Happy Friday and Fourth of July weekend CA-49! I have a few updates for you from this past week in Washington. Scroll down to check it out, and as always, please be in touch if my office can be of any assistance.

H.R. 3684 – INVEST in America Act
Our infrastructure is crumbling before our eyes, and we need to act. The INVEST in America Act delivers on the bold vision President Biden's American Jobs Plan calls for by rebuilding our nation’s roads, bridges, rail systems, transit, and water infrastructure. Passing the INVEST Act will create good-paying jobs and significantly improve the quality of life for Americans. I’m proud to say that includes communities in CA-49 with investments of nearly $20 million to fund four projects in the district.
I am also proud that the House passed an amendment introduced by the San Diego Democratic delegation to help EPA spend the funding we secured in the USMCA trade agreement to address pollution in the Tijuana River Valley.
The INVEST Act is a good start on the road to upgrading American infrastructure, but we must keep climate change at the forefront of our plans. The climate crisis is the greatest existential threat of our time, and we need to make aggressive investments now before it’s too late.
That is why I was proud to lead 133 House colleagues in a letter to President Biden pushing for an infrastructure package that includes climate action commensurate with the crisis we face. You can read more about my letter here.
H.R. 2662 – Inspectors General Independence and Empowerment Act
Inspectors General play a crucial role in exposing waste, fraud, and corruption in government. That’s why I voted for the IG Independence and Empowerment Act to ensure that IGs can carry out their duties without fear of interference or retaliation. This bill will increase the independence of IGs, protect them from political retaliation, and provide them the tools needed to perform thorough investigations.
H.R. 3005 – Replacing Bust of Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney in U.S. Capitol with Bust of Thurgood Marshall
The halls of American government should reflect our founding principles—liberty, justice, and equality for all. This week, the House voted with strong bipartisan support to remove hate by replacing the bust of Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney with a bust of Thurgood Marshall. The bill also removes several statues of those who perpetuated and supported slavery and segregation in this country, along with statues or busts of those who served voluntarily in the Confederate States of America from public display in the U.S. Capitol.
H.R. 2225 – National Science Foundation for the Future Act & H.R. 3593 – Department of Energy Science for the Future Act
We have an incredible opportunity right now to be a nation that leads the world in research and innovation. With so many renowned scientific institutions in CA-49, I was proud to vote in support of these bills that will make critical investments in research and development, support America’s economic competitiveness, and underscore the role of science in solving challenges like the climate crisis.
I will be taking submissions starting Monday, July 5 through Friday, July 9. Submit your high-resolution photos with your name and where the photo was taken to MLevin.Press@mail.house.gov.
Please be sure you follow the contest rules:
- Your photo must be submitted by Friday, July 9.
- Winner will be chosen by having the most “Likes” from peers on my Facebook page.
- Photos must be taken in California’s 49th Congressional District.
- Photos can only be submitted by the person who took the photo.
- By submitting a photo you are giving my office permission to use your photo.
- The winning photo will be announced July 30.
More Updates
- The Congressional App Challenge is BACK! I encourage all eligible students in CA-49 to participate, regardless of their coding experience level. More information HERE.

- One year ago, The Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released our plan to combat climate change and build a healthier and more resilient America. You can now track our progress on how we are bringing this plan to fruition HERE.
- Child Tax Credit payments will start hitting bank accounts and mailboxes as soon as July 15! Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, we are helping boost our economy and supporting families at the same time. You can also check out my op-ed on how the Child Tax Credit benefits CA-49 HERE.
Be sure to follow my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages for the latest updates from my office.
Happy 4th of July!
Rep. Mike Levin