September 17, 2024

Rep. Mike Levin Visits Boulevard/Jacumba Hot Springs Border Region to Examine Impact of Presidential Executive Action on Asylum Seekers

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Jacumba Hot Springs, CA – This week, Rep. Mike Levin (CA-49) visited the United States Border Patrol Boulevard Station to assess how President Biden’s June 2024 executive action on asylum seekers is affecting the situation at the border.

“I saw first-hand that the President’s executive action is making a positive difference on the ground. Recent data have made clear that crossings are down, apprehensions have been cut in half, and street releases have zeroed,” said Rep. Levin. “When I was here in May, this place was full of migrants seeking asylum. Today, I didn’t see any. We have more work to do, but what I witnessed at the border and what I heard from Border Patrol leadership is encouraging.”

During the visit, Rep. Levin received an update from U.S. Border Patrol on the impact of the executive action. Key takeaways include:

  • Migrant encounters along the Southwest border have dropped by 48% since June.
  • Earlier this spring, U.S. Border Patrol in the San Diego Sector was apprehending about 1,300 people daily – now, that number has dropped to roughly 400 apprehensions daily.
  • With fewer agents needed to process migrants, more are now staffing border checkpoints, resulting in substantial increases in drug seizures.

Success has been driven by increased consequences for crossing illegally, improved cooperation with the Mexican government, and support from local non-governmental organizations.

“Border Patrol agents are doing important work under very difficult circumstances. They deserve our respect and gratitude. We must continue to retain and recruit strong talent to enhance our immigration system and maintain border security,” said Rep. Levin.

Rep. Levin learned that more staff, increased salaries, and improved incentives are needed to match what is paid to colleagues doing similar jobs in other sectors.

Although the President’s executive action has made a tremendous difference, there are still challenges to ensure our border is secure and our immigration system is effective and efficient. Bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform and border security legislation are necessary.

In July, Rep. Levin toured the Otay Mesa soft-sided migrant processing facility in San Diego County and saw the impact of the President’s executive action in its early stages. Read more about that visit here.
