September 18, 2024

Rep. Mike Levin’s Statement Regarding the House Vote on Republicans’ Extremist Government Funding Bill

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Mike Levin today released the following statement regarding his vote opposing Speaker Mike Johnson’s extremist government funding bill.

“I voted against Speaker Johnson’s bill to extend government funding because it is an unserious bill riddled with extremist provisions that has no chance of becoming law. The bill fails to support our veterans or strengthen our national security, and it attempts to push through undemocratic voter restrictions that would harm our service members at home and abroad.

“The current bill does nothing to address the VA’s $12 billion budget shortfall that would jeopardize veterans’ medical care and the health services they have earned.

“Additionally, Speaker Johnson’s extremist bill aims to alter voter registration laws that could make it more difficult to vote. It would make it harder for countless Americans, including service members, women, and Native Americans, to vote in upcoming elections.

“It’s shameful that a handful of extreme House Republicans want to add anti-democratic provisions to a government funding bill just to push a harmful agenda that is detrimental to the American people.

“I will continue working in good faith with my colleagues to find bipartisan resolution to fund the government for Fiscal Year 2025. It is imperative that we pass a government funding package that protects our service members and veterans, and ensures all Americans continue to receive the services and benefits they rely on.”
