February 04, 2022

Send a Valentine to a Local Veteran!

Dear Neighbor,

Another great week in Washington. I have a few things to update you on, including an exciting holiday program for our veterans. Scroll down to read more on my work for the district.



This week, the House passed legislation to make transformational new investments in research, innovation and manufacturing to ensure that America can outcompete any nation in the world. The America COMPETES Act will bolster our economy, boost our supply chains, reduce inflation, and strengthen national security at home and abroad. Read more on this bill here.

Climate Change Must Remain a Focus


On Monday, I led 22 of my House colleagues in a letter to President Biden outlining the urgent need to act on climate and ensure clean energy and climate investments remain a central part of any upcoming comprehensive legislative package, like the Build Back Better Act. 

We have seen the damaging results of climate change all across the country with extreme weather events, natural disasters, and increasing pollution. This issue isn’t going away. In fact, it’s getting worse. Although we have worked consistently to pass consequential climate change legislation addressing these issues, we can’t let up steam. We must act now for the future of our nation and our planet.

Valentines for Vets


Let’s show some love to our veterans with my annual Valentines for Vets program! Constituents of all ages are encouraged to participate! You can drop off valentines to to my offices on Friday, February 11, 2022, or mail cards no later than Wednesday, February 9, 2022.

Valentines should be delivered in unsealed envelopes. If you have any questions about about the Valentines for Veterans program please contact program coordinator Gabriela Ochoa at gabriela.ochoa@mail.house.gov

A Couple More Updates:

  • Transitioning servicemembers can have difficulty translating military skills to civilian jobs. In my House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, we explored solutions for improving training programs to better prepare our veterans for high-demand jobs. You can watch the hearing here.
  • Since we passed the bipartisan infrastructure law, I’ve visited over 30 potential project sites and hosted over 20 roundtables and discussions on how the law will positively impact the district. The bipartisan infrastructure law will be a gamechanger for our residents and communities.

Remember to follow my FacebookTwitter, or Instagram pages for the latest updates from my office.

Have a great weekend!



Rep. Mike Levin